August 10, 2020...Campbell, Dunn excited to contribute at The Island Games (from Valour FC website)

Campbell, Dunn excited to contribute at The Island Games
AUGUST 10, 2020
Ed Taitby ED TAIT

Dante Campbell and Julian Dunn had already lived through the worst news, receiving the gut punch 
last month when their squad, TFC II, opted to withdraw from the USL League One season as a result 
of the Coronavius.

And so for the two young prospects trying to make their way up the professional soccer ladder 
– Dunn is just 20, Campbell is 21 — Christmas had effectively been cancelled.

Imagine, then, their pure joy when they were given the gift to suit up with Valour FC in the 
Canadian Premier League’s Island Games as part of a loan agreement with their parent club, Toronto FC.

“Coming through the academy, you look forward to proving yourself by moving up to the senior men’s 
team,” Campbell told “I felt like this was a pivotal year for myself. You don’t 
always get the opportunity to play in the MLS games and so you want to show consistency and progress 
within your games. I was really looking forward to that.

“I had done a lot of extra work for this season and then to have it end in moments is tough. 
When we found out that we weren’t being allowed to take part in the USL and wouldn’t have a season… 
I mean, to hear that, I couldn’t believe it at the start. You’re thinking, ‘Surely there has 
to be a way around this. Something has to give.’

“It was just mentally draining. It was frustrating there was nothing you could do about it. That was 
just the worst of it. There weren’t too many options, so having the opportunity to work with 
Coach Gale again was an opportunity I couldn’t pass up — especially considering the circumstances. 
It’s very, very exciting.”

Both Campbell and Dunn have had previous experiences with Valour FC GM and head coach Rob Gale, 
who made inquiries about their availability when the news about TFC II withdrawing from the 
USL League One season became official last month.

“I’m told Rob contacted TFC about the loan and mentioned we have a previous relationship. It’s nice 
to know he did that and it only makes you want to go out there and fight even harder,” said Dunn.

“It’s an amazing opportunity to be here. I mean, the TFC II season was cancelled and they’re 
not sure what was going on because of the border situation. It’s nice we have something we can come 
to and get some minutes and just play and show for the crest.”

Campbell can play both right back or central midfielder while Dunn is a central defender who will 
help fill the void left when Panamanian defender Amir Soto wasn’t able to get to Canada for 
the CPL season.

Both men add to a significantly improved defence that includes new defenders Andrew Jean-Baptiste, 
Arnold Bouka Moutou, Chakib Hocine, Stefan Cebara and goalkeepers James Pantemis and Matt Silva.

“We’re thrilled to have these lads,” said Gale. “Dante is a more of an attacking, high-energy player 
and Julian is a direct replacement for Amir Soto who, because of restrictions, couldn’t get out 
of Panama.

“We’ll look at getting Amir here next year and put him in a loan environment over the winter 
if we can.”

Now the key is for both Campbell and Dunn to ingratiate themselves with a Valour squad that has 
been together for weeks in a short time. The Island Games schedule hasn’t officially been released 
yet even though all the teams are in PEI, but expect Valour to be in action sometime this weekend.

“All the guys have already been really welcoming,” said Dunn. “Soccer is soccer. If you perform 
well and play for the guy that’s next to you then it’s all good. We’re all fighting for the 
one goal, we’re all together in this and we’re all trying to come back with the cup.”

“I always want to make sure that at the bare minimum I’m being that motor,” added Campbell. 
“I like to do any type of dirty work and being a guy that can bring the energy for anyone 
to feed off within the team.

“And, of course, the goal is to help us win games in whatever way we can.”

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