December 11, 2020...York United Football Club Launches New Identity (Media Zoom call audio)

Here's the audio from the York United Football Club rebrand held at 1:00pm (one hour after the club 
presentation on YouTube.   
The questions were answered by York United President and CEO Angus McNab.  

Here is the audio of the 24 minutes of the rebrand reveal. (24 minutes)

Questions asked: 1 min...What is the driving force behind the name change now and what did you mean by 'the ability to do more'? 4 min...Why did you go for the more generic 'United' name? 6 min...Was there any doubt or hesitation to change names after only two years? 8 min...How does it feel after all the hard work on the redesign/rebrand? 9 min...Please go into detail of how you went in the redesign by looking at other world club crests. 12 min...Are there plans revolving around the stadium? (current and longterm/future site stadium) 15 min...What sort of reaction have you seen from team members? (local and world players on the team) 17 min...Was the 'look' created in the redesign one of the elements that went into the redesign? (ie attracts fans and casuals to by merch) 19 min...What's your plan to spread out this news in these pandemic times of disconnect? 22 min...What will be the colours of the names and numbers be on the back of the uniforms? (ie "easy to see white" or gold? (hey I had to get in a question!) Ooh 9 minutes and he mentioned downtown Toronto supporters groups! Earlier he dropped the stat that 52-53% of fans were from the City of Toronto.

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