1991 Canadian Soccer League--My North York Rockets program collection (by Rocket Robin)


I was posting photos of the programs to Twitter but it's easy to see some of the postings are lost. 
I'm including them all here with some compression like I do with my photos at games I attend now.  

Brochure to encourage us to buy season tickets     (brochure)

Home Games

Sunday June 9th  vs Toronto Blizzard  (program) 

Tuesday June 18th vs Winnipeg Fury  (program) 

Sunday June 23rd vs Vancouver 86ers  (program)

Monday July 1st vs Montreal Supra   (program)

Wednesday July 3rd vs Toronto Blizzard  (program)

Sunday July 14th vs Kitchener Kickers  (program)

Friday July 19th vs Hamilton Steelers  (program)

Sunday July 28th vs Nova Scotia Clippers  (program)

Friday August 2nd vs Nova Scotia Clippers  (program)

Sunday August 4th vs Hamilton Steelers  (program)

Wednesday August 7th vs Kitchener Kickers  (program)

Sunday August 18th vs Winnipeg Fury  (program)

Wednesday August 21st vs Vancouver 86ers  (program)

Sunday September 1st vs Montreal Supra  (program)


Sunday September 15th QuarterFinal vs Nova Scotia Clippers  (I missed that game)  

Sunday September 22nd Semi-Final vs Toronto Blizzard   (program)

Sunday September 29th Semi-Final vs Toronto Blizzard (away game but I have a program for it).  (program)
This 28 page program has the full regular season statistics for the league.  Publsher Mehrdad Masoudi spun this publication
into 'The International Soccer News' for 1992 as the Toronto teams (if not other cities) stopped printing programs.  

Newspaper clippings from Toronto Star, Toronto Sun, and North York Mirror on the Canadian Soccer League 1991 season.  


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