back to 1st half details.

2nd Half:...starts 3:17pm.
halftime sub:...MD Sylvain replaces Cloutier.
45 min...MD Pean given through ball on left and 20 yard shot from left is wide left.
47 min...MD Soriano Ramirez injured near center line.
50 min...Vaughan Gus Kouzmanis GOAL...SD Tommy Kouzmanis passes short ball along right end line, Gus only about 3 yards from right post lifts shot into left side of net.
51 min...MD Soriano Ramirez runs on right cross to box that MD Pean knocks through crowd of players from 15 yards but deflected wide.
53 min...VSD Hazan 25 yard shot is caught by goalie.
54 min...VSD Tommy Kouzmanis given ball up middle from right. MD goalie seems to have it lined up to pick up but Tommy turns on the jets and dekes ball around him, Tommy slides 7 yarder from left but sliding defender knocks ball away from left post.
55 min...MD Rotiroti injured on edge of own box.
56 min...VSD sub...Powell replaces Hazan.
58 min...MD sub...Jean Marie Theosmy replaces Paul.
60 min...MD Nasson Theosmy injured at MD 30 yard line.
60 min...MD Stephen blasts 20 yard shot over net when ball squeezes over to him.
61 min...VSD sub...Antonucci replaces Garzon.
62 min...VSD Tommy Kouzmanis deflects short 4 yarder wide right, VSD Gus Kouzmanis 20 yard blast misses net.
63 min...MD sub...Edouard replaces Pean.
64 min...VSD Antonucci steps up middle but rolls 25 yard shot wide right.
65 min...VSD Gus Kouzmanis 25 yard roller wide left.
66 min...MD Incollingo cornerkick from right partially headed away, MD Iloanusich 18 yard rebound on slide is just wide left of top corner.
67 min...MD YELLOW card...Sylvain for sliding tackle on VSD Giumerra at MD 35 yard line.
68 min...VSD player races with through ball on right, goalie charges out to cut down angle and 20 yard shot is wide right.
70 min...MD Sylvain heads ball back to goalie to keep VSD Giumerra from ball.
72 min...VSD Casalinuovo rolls ball to VSD Powell on right and he rolls 15 yarder wide left.
73 min...MD sub...Addesa replaces Soriano Ramirez.
..............VSD sub...Chibueze replaces Gus Kouzmanis.
74 min...VSD Chibueze squeezes through middle and 15 yard shot is batted down by goalie and grabbed on left side of net.
75 min...MD YELLOW card...Nasson Theosmy for chopping down VSD Giumerra at MD 25 yard line.
77 min...MD Iloanusich rolls ball to MD Edouard but offside so tap in 7 yarder doesn't count.
78 min...VSD goalie dives in box to trap loose ball.
79 min...MD Edouard gets ball after MD Stephen passes to him from left 2 on 1. VSD Smith able to break up play.
80 min...VSD goalie pushes ball wide left for cornerkick when he couldn't handle 25 yard shot from left.
81 min...MD Iloanusich gets ball on cornerkick from left and shoots over net from 20 yards.
81 min...VSD Antonucci 35 yard roller through crowd wide right.
82 min...VSD sub...Lissone replaces Giumerra.
83 min...MD Nue rolls 18 yarder through box wide right when no MD player charges into box.
85 min...MD sub...Trebicka replaces Rotiroti.
89 min...MD Nue 25 yard blast deflected wide left.
90 min...VSD goalie catches 35 yard shot from left.
91 min...MD Jean Marie Theosmy gets pass in center and 20 yard roller smothered by goalie.
91 min...MD Edouard gets ball up middle and beats goalie but VSD McDonald slides into play and MD Edouard rushes shot off target.
92 min...MD Nasson Theosmy gets cornerkick from right and blasts 20 yard shot high.
93 min...VSD player hurt at own 35 yard line and is taken from field. VDS Lissone entertains unimpressed the MD bench with soccer tricks.
95 min...MD Edouard races in from left, cuts along end line and passes to MD Addesa whose 3 yarder is over net !
96 ends 4:08pm.

Final Score:............Vaughan Sun Devils..............2.................Montreal Dynamites.........1..........

Attendance was about 60 on this hot humid overcast afternoon played on a wet field. The sun finally came out with ten minutes to go in the game surprizing me who was expecting rain. Rogers community channel was carrying this game live which probably means it will be repeated sometime in the week.

Sun Devils win their second game in 14 hours having beaten London City in a home game last night 1-0. The Kouzmanis brothers looked like they've known each other all their lives (yeah ok) as they set up each other for some good shots as the two forwards for the team.

Sun Devils were really hanging on at the end. Extra injury time was deserved although five minutes may have been pushing it. Second half sub Richie Lissone once again subbed for his "Freestylers" partner Willy Giumerra. With SD Marco Casalinuovo injured during injury time and being treated on the field, Richie started doing some tricks with the ball in front of the Dynamites bench including pushups with the ball on his back but the desperate Dynamites weren't going to fall for rushing at him because the trainer was still on the field helping the injured player. The Sun Devils were the ones mostly complaining about the fragile nature of the Dynamites players. "Don't worry, he'll be up in a minute, he's Spanish" was a mean comment but when Santo Soriano Ramirez sprung up to race ahead 40 yards waiting for the freekick the player just made the magician's gesture for "Amazing".

Rocket Robin

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